Friday 30 January 2009

Hidup Erdogan!





More correct Interpretation of what Erdogan said:
One minute! One minute!
Mr.Peres, you're older than me. Your voice is coming too loud. I know that the reason of your voice's coming this loud is a guiltiness psychology. My voice won't come this loud, know that so.....When it comes to kill, you know how to kill very well. I know how you shot, how you killed the children on plages, very well. Two people who had been prime minister in your country made important statements to me. You have prime ministers who said that "When i get in to Palestine on tanks, i feel myself a different kind of happy." And you're giving me numbers. I can give you names. You may be wonder... I also condemn who acclaims to this grimness......Because i suppose acclaiming the people who killed those children, those people, is another humanity crime. Look, we can not edge out a reality here. I keep a lot of notes here, but i don't have a chance to reply all here. But i only say two words from here.......
First, - Please don't interrupt me!
First, The Torah says in the sixth topic that "You are not going to kill!". There is killing here. Second, -this is also interesting too- Gilad Atzmon: Israel barbarism is on the further side of fiendishness -a Jewish

ihsan dari Youtube.
